Monday, August 17, 2015

Formal Application Submitted!!!

Formal Application ... check! 
$750 fee ... check!
Get assigned a caseworker ... check!

Things are moving right along! It seems like every time I start to get a little stressed about some aspect of the adoption process (usually involving money), God shows us just how amazingly he can provide. As of my last post, we were wondering where the $750 application processing fee was going to come from. I kid you not, the DAY AFTER the post, we received 3 refund checks in the mail totaling $800! With that as impetus, we hopped to and have now officially applied, paid the $750, and have been assigned a caseworker. At this point, we are preparing to do a homestudy that will make sure we are good people with a healthy home. The homestudy will cost $1900, and we are already saving up the money and expect to have it soon! I honestly can't believe that we were able to do this so quickly! 

Moving forward, when we get to the point that we are approved (from the homestudy, which includes visits and interviews), we will need to pay a pre-placement fee of $5000. After that, we will eventually pay a little over $13,850 to adopt our child. 

$18,850 is a daunting amount of money.  We are trying to keep a positive attitude about it, though, and are actively trying to think of ways to raise it. If you would like to provide moral support, prayers are SO very welcome! We would also love to hear from you if you have any words of wisdom or encouragement!

Lots of love to everyone and many thanks for following the process! Hopefully we'll have good news from the homestudy soon!

Note: We choose to be open about the costs involved in our adoption as a matter of transparency. We want to be open about the entire process so that  those who may be considering adoption may learn from our experience. 


  1. You guys are beginning to walk out one of my biggest dreams, a dream I've had since I was a little girl. I am SOOOOO excited for you, your family and for this child!

    Something I did with Abner and maybe you did too with Oliver was write him a journal every step of the way during my pregnancy (and I still write in it occasionally for firsts and milestones and just to tell him how I feel about him sometimes). I think that would be a really neat thing for this little one to have someday, just being able to look back and see what you were feeling and thinking all to be able to read each step along this process. Sorry I'm pretty good at giving unsolicited advice.


    1. Thanks Michal!!! What a great idea! I will totally do that! 😊

  2. Ready to do anything we can to help you guys fulfill the calling you've been given by the Lord! "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba, Father!" Romans 8:15

    Love you guys!
